Why Women Rebel
Alexis Leanna Henshaw
Not Available
Gender, Governance and Feminist Analysis
Christine Hudson and 2 more
Human Capital in Gender and Development
Sydney Durham University and 1 more
Gender, Emancipation, and Political Violence
Sarah University of Cambridge and 1 more
Gendering Peace
Sarah Central European University and 1 more
Masculinity and New War
David University of Melbourne and 1 more
Alexis Bucknell University and 1 more
Feminism, Prostitution and the State
Eilis Ward
Sydney Calkin
Marriage Trafficking
Kaye RMIT University and 1 more
Women, Global Protest Movements, and Political Agency
Sarah Colvin and 1 more
Christine M Umeå University and 1 more
Female Combatants after Armed Struggle
Niall University of Dublin and 2 more
Sarah Smith
The Globalization of Gender
Ioana Cîrstocea
Civil Society, Care Labour, and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda
Caitlin Hamilton and 2 more
Gender Equality and Nation Branding in the Nordic Region
Eirinn University of Oslo and 1 more
International Women’s Rights Law and Gender Equality
Ramona University of Technology Sydney and 1 more
International Women's Rights Law and Gender Equality
Ramona Vijeyarasa
The European Union's International Promotion of LGBTI Rights
Markus Thiel
Young Women and Leadership
Katrina LeeKoo
Female Ex-Combatants, Empowerment, and Reintegration
Michanne OCC Strategy Consultants and 1 more
Sexual Violence Crimes and Gendered Power Relations
Bilge Sahin
Caitlin Independent Scholar and 4 more
Cynthia H Enloe
The European Union’s International Promotion of LGBTI Rights
Markus Florida International University and 1 more
Gender and Political Apology
Emma University of Limerick and 1 more
Michanne Steenbergen
The Coloniality of Humanitarian Intervention
Patrick J Vernon
Feminist Policymaking in Turbulent Times
Hannah PartisJennings and 1 more